How to save energy?
- See BEE Star Label before buying Tube Lights/Celling Fans/Refrigerators/Air Conditioners and other electric appliances-More Star More Savings.
- Use CFL (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) instead of ordinary bulbs. It saves 75% energy and its life is 10 times of an ordinary bulb.
- Use BEE Star labeled T5 Tube Lights instead of ordinary tube Lights. Yo can save energy up to 30%.
- Dirty Tube Lights and Bulbs reflect less light and can absorb 50% of the light; dust your tube lights and Lamps Regularly.
- Use Electronic choke instead of normal Electromagnetic choke. It saves electricity up to 20-25%.
- One of the most energy saving devices is the light Switch. Turn off lights when not required.
- One will use 3 to 5 percent less energy for each degree air conditioner is set above 22 degree centigrade, so set the thermostat of room air conditioner at 25 degree centigrade to provide the most comfort at the least cost.
- Setting computers, monitors and copies to sleep-mode when not in use helps cut energy costs by approximately40%.
- Use high efficient BEE star labeled agricultural pump motors. Ensure regular maintenance and proper suction & delivery of water.