For NEW SERVICE CONNECTION, application must be submitted to Assistant Engineer (Area Name)
Documents required are as below :-
- SBS Bank Receipt (B/R) of Rs 50/- should be deposited under the head: "0801: (Power) along with the Requisition & Agreement form for Permanent connection.
- SBS Bank Receipt (B/R) of Rs 200/- should be deposited under the head: "0801: (Power) along with the Requisition & Agreement form for Temporary connection.
- Filled up Requisition & Agreement form (shall be issued from the office of the concerned Assistant Engineer).
- Filled up form "A" &"B"/
- Attested Passport size photo should be posted in Requisition & Agreement form.
- Attested Voter ID.
- Revenue Stamp of Rs. 5/- .
- Attested Parcha copy / Lease Deed / Site Allotment order.
- In case the applicant is residing as a land tenant; he/she should enclose NOC form land lord along with attested parcha copy of landlord.
- In case of L/S (Line Segregation) clearance certificate of existing A/C No. of electricity bill should be enclosed.
- Consumer can also apply online at Self Service Portal (